Our answers to the 10 essential questions you should ask to better understand the IoT and make a success of your project.

Our answers to the 10 essential questions you should ask to better understand the IoT and make a success of your project.
IoT offers a multitude of possibilities for retrieving data from your buildings. Discover the main types of sensors and their applications.
What are the common mistakes to avoid when deploying your IoT sensors to ensure an efficient and effective installation?
Discover our NB-IoT / LTE-M Field Test Device and its mobile application, the essential tool for qualifying network coverage…
The DRY CONTACTS IoT sensor can detect open/closed states and warn of changes, using NB-IoT and LTE-M technologies.
Monitor and control changes in the temperature of domestic hot water systems to prevent the spread of legionella.
Discover dry contact IoT sensors: they can be easily integrated into your projects to monitor, optimise and automate your processes.
Discover the essential criteria to consider when selecting the ideal IoT sensor supplier for your IoT project.
Test the quality of existing NB-IoT and LTE-M networks with the Adeunis Field Test Device. It enables real-time analysis of network performance and…