Domestic hot water networks

Preventing the spread of legionella

Controlling the non-proliferation of legionella bacteria in healthcare establishments (hospitals, nursing homes) and establishments open to the public (ERP).

legionelles-temperature-eau-capteur-iot-ecs, erp

CHALLENGE: combating the proliferation of Legionella

Focus on regulations

To combat the proliferation of the deadly Legionella bacterium the French law has required, since 2010, a strict temperature control of domestic hot water (DHW) systems in all healthcare establishments (hospitals, nursing homes) and establishments open to the public (ERP).

Legionellosis, a serious lung infection caused by the Legionella bacterium, is a major public health issue, particularly in establishments open to the public (ERP) and hospitals. These facilities are particularly at risk because of their high level of use and the vulnerability of the populations they cater for. Prevention of this disease relies on strict management of domestic hot water systems and rigorous temperature control.

To limit the risk of the bacteria spreading, the French government requires:

  • The maintaining of temperatures in domestic hot water systems: water must be stored at above 55°C and distributed at a minimum temperature of 50°C, to limit bacterial proliferation.
  • Regular checks: all healthcare establishments and public buildings are legally required to take steps to monitor and check their DHW systems, so that action can be taken as quickly as possible if non-compliance is detected.

The challenges of traditional systems

Temperature monitoring in water networks is often based on manual readings taken at regular intervals. These methods have several limitations:

  • Insufficient frequency of readings: temperature variations between two checks can encourage the proliferation of bacteria.
  • The risk of human error in taking readings and transcribing data.
  • Limited reactivity when critical thresholds are exceeded.

These shortcomings underline the need for a more precise and proactive solution to guarantee the safety of water networks.

SOLUTION: IoT sensors to comply with regulations

The Adeunis TEMP 2S IoT sensor enables you to monitor, control and be alerted of changes in the temperature of domestic hot water networks. This IoT sensor measures the water temperature at two separate points in the heating circuit.

Using this kind of connected sensor means you can:

  • Measure the temperature continuously: the data is collected 24/7, providing real-time visibility of the state of the network.
  • Detect anomalies instantly: if temperatures fall or rise suspiciously, an alert is automatically sent to the relevant teams. The alert system means you can act as quickly as possible if the threshold is exceeded, to avoid any potential spread of the bacteria.
  • Simplify traceability: data is centralised and accessible via a digital platform, facilitating regulatory compliance and audits.
  • Optimise maintenance operations: by precisely identifying areas at risk, interventions can be targeted, reducing costs and disruption.
  • Eliminate the need to go on site: there’s no need to travel to carry out regular temperature monitoring, as the data is recorded and transmitted regularly (configurable to suit your needs).
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Reducing health risks

Regular monitoring and alerts enable us to act as early as possible if thresholds are exceeded, thereby preventing any health risks.


Reducing operating costs

Teams no longer need to travel to check that equipment is in good working order, but only to take targeted action in the event of an alert.


Meeting regulatory objectives

The automatic data collection and alert system provided by the IoT sensor ensures compliance with the regulations.


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