To optimize energy consumption, improve the well-being of occupants and ensure the proper functioning of equipment

Hervé Thermique is the historical subsidiary of the Energy Services Division in the HERVE Group. Its business skills are applied through HVAC, electrical engineering, energy efficiency, renewable energies, swimming pool and water treatment.
Market: Europe and North Africa
Business sector: Energy management
Building type: Tertiary, industries, shops, communitiess
Objectives: Energy management and connected maintenance

Whatever the type of building concerned, tertiary, collective, industrial…. the consideration of its usage data for the optimization of its operation is a major challenge.
Hervé Thermique offers to its customers, solutions to support them in monitoring the building’s energy consumption and the maintenance of installations.
The company operates on installations, of the type: heating, air conditioning, ventilation, domestic hot water production…
Hervé Thermique’s challenge is therefore twofold: to guarantee the maintenance of the equipment while optimizing the comfort of the occupants and optimizing energy consumption.
To meet these challenges, Hervé Thermique has equipped several of its customers with adeunis sensors:
Connected maintenance:
- TEMP 2S: is used to analyze the water temperature in domestic hot water systems (DHW) to prevent the spread of legionella bacteria.
The TEMP 2S sensor is used to monitor the water temperature between the point of distribution and the point of drawing from the heating circuit. It gives an alert when the temperature falls below the critical threshold of 55°C, the limit above which legionella bacteria proliferate. Temperature control of DHW circuits has been mandatory in all French establishments receiving public and health establishment since 2010.
- DELTA P: guarantees the maintenance of ventilation equipment (VMC / CTA…) and the possibility of acting quickly and proactively in the event of a malfunction.
- DRY CONTACTS: provides an alert when a malfunction occurs on an equipment, in order to allow rapid intervention for their repair.
Energy management:
- PULSE: allows to monitor water, electricity and thermal energy consumption, the monitoring of solar installations, in order to optimize energy consumption and expenditure.
- PULSE ATEX + BINDER CONNECTOR: monitors and optimizes gas consumption (ATEX zone).
- TEMP: allows to analyze the evolutions of the ambient air temperature, in the different rooms of a building, to optimize energy consumption, control the temperature level, and also to improve the comfort of the occupants.

Thanks to the various solutions implemented, the energy consumption of buildings is monitored. Hervé Thermique can thus propose optimizations to improve energy costs and the well-being of building users. The IoT solutions implemented also make it possible to maintain the technical installations of the building in good condition and to anticipate defects and breakdowns.

Improve well-being

Ensure the maintenance of the installations

Reduce energy costs
smart building use cases
Discover other uses of IoT in connected buildings